February 28, 2023

Australian Opals: A Gemstone of Unique Fire and Beauty

By Bailey Christenbury
Australian Opals: A Gemstone of Unique Fire and Beauty

Raw Australian Opal Rings

Australia Map Shape with Opals

Australia is known for its stunning landscapes, unique wildlife, and rich cultural heritage. But did you know that it is also home to one of the world's most beautiful gemstones? Australian opals are renowned for their vivid and mesmerizing colors, which can range from fiery reds and oranges to tranquil blues and greens.

What are Australian Opals?

Opals are a type of mineraloid, which means they are not technically minerals but share many of the same physical and chemical properties. The most common type of opal is known as precious opal, which is characterized by its play of color - a phenomenon in which the stone appears to change color as it is viewed from different angles. This is caused by the diffraction of light as it passes through tiny spheres of silica within the opal.

Australian Opal Chips


Australian opals are some of the most sought-after in the world, prized for their intense colors and unique patterns. They are found primarily in the arid regions of Australia, particularly in the states of New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia. Some of the most famous opal mines in Australia include Lightning Ridge, Coober Pedy, and Andamooka.



Types of Australian Opals

There are several types of opals found in Australia, each with its own distinct characteristics:

  1. Black Opal: Black opals are the rarest and most valuable type of opal, prized for their dark body color and vibrant play of color. They are found primarily in Lightning Ridge, New South Wales.

    Australian Opal Bracelet with Toggle
  2. Boulder Opal: Boulder opals are characterized by their ironstone matrix, which creates a striking contrast with the colorful opal veins. They are found primarily in Queensland.

  3. White Opal: White opals are characterized by their light body color, which allows the play of color to stand out. They are found primarily in South Australia.

  4. Crystal Opal: Crystal opals are characterized by their transparency, which allows the play of color to be seen throughout the stone. They are found in various locations throughout Australia.


Ringcrush 5 stone  Raw Opal Ring

How to Care for Australian Opals

Opals are relatively soft compared to other gemstones, so they require special care to keep them looking their best. Here are some tips for caring for your Australian opal jewelry:

  1. Avoid exposing your opal to extreme temperatures or rapid changes in temperature.

  2. Avoid exposing your opal to harsh chemicals or acids, including household cleaners and perfumes.

  3. Clean your opal with a soft cloth and mild soap, and avoid using ultrasonic or steam cleaners.

  4. Store your opal separately from other jewelry to avoid scratches and damage.


Colonel Sandra - Original Opal Chicken

The Healing Properties of Australian Opals

Australian opals are not only stunningly beautiful, but they also possess healing properties that have been recognized for centuries. Opals have been used in traditional healing practices around the world, and Australian opals, in particular, are said to have unique properties that promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Physical Healing Properties

Australian opals are believed to have physical healing properties that can help to alleviate a wide range of ailments. They are said to be particularly effective in promoting healing in the eyes, skin, and immune system. Australian opals are also believed to be beneficial in relieving headaches, back pain, and other types of chronic pain.

AUstralian Opal BraceletEmotional Healing Properties


In addition to their physical healing properties, Australian opals are also believed to have emotional healing properties. They are said to be effective in promoting emotional balance, reducing anxiety and depression, and increasing feelings of happiness and joy. Australian opals are also believed to be effective in promoting self-confidence and self-esteem, and in helping to overcome emotional trauma.


Spiritual Healing Properties

Australian opals are considered to be powerful spiritual tools that can help to enhance intuition, increase spiritual awareness, and facilitate spiritual growth. They are said to be particularly effective in promoting communication with spirit guides and enhancing psychic abilities. Australian opals are also believed to be effective in promoting spiritual balance and harmony.

Australian opals are not only beautiful gemstones but also possess unique healing properties that have been recognized for centuries. Whether you are looking to alleviate physical ailments, promote emotional balance, or enhance your spiritual awareness, Australian opals are a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals. So, the next time you admire the beauty of an Australian opal, remember that it may also be working to promote your health and well-being in ways you never imagined.

In conclusion, Australian opals are a unique and beautiful gemstone that have captivated people's imaginations for centuries. Whether you are a collector or simply appreciate the beauty of natural gemstones, Australian opals are a must-see for anyone who loves the natural wonders of this amazing country.


opal stacking rings